
04/2023 SNSF Internationale Förderung; CI (with Wolf Hautz and David Schwappach). DXcom - a workshop on communication in diagnostic error (13'000 CHF)

11/2019 SNSF SPARK grant; PI (with CI David Britain). Are physically attractive people leaders of linguistic change? (100'000 CHF)

11/2018 SNSF Eccellenza grant; PI; Language Variation and Change in German-speaking Switzerland (1'622'489 CHF)

04/2017 Economic and Social Research Council grant, Co-Investigator (PI: Prof. Dr. David Willis, Cambridge) (460'043 CHF = £367'670)

10/2016 Swiss National Science Foundation return grant, offered – not accepted (54’320 CHF)

04/2015 Schweizerische Akademie der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften travel grant (1000 CHF)

02/2015 Swiss National Science Foundation publication grant; principal investigator (co-investigators: MA Marie-José Kolly, Prof. Dr. Volker Dellwo, Prof. Dr. Stephan Schmid) (10’500 CHF)

12/2013 Swiss National Science Foundation fellowship for postdocs (advanced postdoc mobility) (144’620 CHF)

07/2013 Zürcher Kompetenzzentrum für Linguistik project grant; co-investigator (principal investigator: lic. phil. Anja Hasse, co-investigator Prof. Dr. Martin Meyer) (5000 CHF)

01/2013 Swiss National Science Foundation AGORA grant, ‘Swiss VoiceApp – Your voice. Your identity.’; PI (co-investigators: MA Marie-José Kolly, Prof. Dr. Volker Dellwo, MA Jean-Philippe Goldman) (186’046 CHF)

05/2013 Schweizerische Akademie der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften travel grant (1400 CHF)

06/2012 Crowdfunded project ‘Dialäkt Äpp’ on; principal investigator (10’000 CHF)

05/2012 Schweizerische Akademie der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften travel grant (1400 CHF)

08/2008 Swiss National Science Foundation fellowship for prospective researchers (57’150 CHF)

05/2008 Schweizerische Akademie der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften travel grant (2000 CHF)

Total €2'313'743