In preparation
Leemann, A., C. Steiner, M. Studerus, L. Oberholzer, P. Jeszenszky, F. Tomaschek, S. Kistler (in progress). SDATS Corpus – Swiss German Dialects Across Time and Space.
In review / revisions
Leemann, A., C. Steiner, P. Jeszenszky, C. Culpeper, L. Josi (revisions). Saying goodbye to and thanking bus drivers in German-speaking Switzerland. Journal of Pragmatics.
Leemann, A., P. Jeszenszky, S. Steiner, H. Hedegard, D. Britain (revisions). Identifying social and soft biometric information from speech. International Journal of Speech Language and the Law.
Blum, V., Leemann, A. (revisions). Determinanten der generischen Interpretation des generischen Maskulinums. Linguistik Online.
Journal articles
Leemann, A. (2017). New ways of analyzing the phonetics of Swiss German – Studies in the fields of forensic phonetics, dialectology, app-crowdsourcing, and sociolinguistics. Cumulative Habilitation Thesis. University of Zurich.
Leemann, A. (2012). Swiss German Intonation Patterns (Studies in Language Variation 10). Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 350pp (Reviewed in: Zeitschrift für Rezensionen zur germanistischen Sprachwissenschaft 2 (ZRS). Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton, 181-187 (Alexander Werth)).
Edited volumes
Pistor, T., ; C. Steiner, F. Tomascheck, A. Leemann (eds.) (2023). Book of Abstracts der 19. Tagung Phonetik und Phonologie im deutschsprachigen Raum, 06.-07.10.2023, Universität Bern. Universität Bern: Bern Open Publishing. BORIS DOI: 10.48350/186731.
Conference Proceedings
Contributions in edited volumes
Hove, I., A. Leemann, M.-J. Kolly, V. Dellwo, J.-P. Goldman (2015): Swiss Voice App: “My voice – my dialect”, in: Leemann, A., M.-J. Kolly, S. Schmid, V. Dellwo (eds.), Trends in Phonetics and Phonology. Studies from German-speaking Europe
Science communication
Leemann, A., C. Steiner, G. Kummer, A. Wüst, T. Pistor (2023). Schweizerdeutsch im Wandel der Zeit. Booth at Scientifica UZH / ETHZ 09/2023.
Leemann, A. P. Jeszenszky, C. Steiner, N. Adam-Graf (2021). Schwizerdütsch Erläbe. Booth at Scientifica UZH / ETHZ 09/2021.
Conference talks
Leemann, A., P. Jeszenszky, C. Steiner, J. Culpeper, L. Josi, F. Tomaschek (2024). Variation and change in thanking and saying goodbye to bus drivers in German-speaking Switerland. Forum of Germanic Language Studies, Cambridge (UK), 04/24.
Hedegard, H., S. Natale, A. Leemann (2024). Linguistics in the Bernese High School: Reimagining the Swiss Pedagogical Pipeline in Language Science. VALS-ASLA, Bern (CH), 02/24.
Steiner, C., A. Leemann (2023). Variation and change in VOT in Swiss German – a matter of identity? Phonetik & Phonologie 2023, Bern (CH), 10/23.
Steiner, C., D. Studer, C. Lanthemann, A. Büchler, A. Leemann (2023). Sociodemographic and attitudinal effects on dialect speakers’ articulation of the standard language: Evidence from German-speaking Switzerland. Interspeech 2023, Dublin (IE), 09/23.
Hedegard, H., A. Fröhlich, F. Tomaschek, C. Steiner, A. Leemann (2023). Filling the population statistics gap: Swiss German reference data on F0 and speech tempo for forensic contexts. Interspeech 2023, Dublin (IE), 09/23.
Leemann, A., C. Steiner, B. Siebenhaar, P. Jeszenszky (2023). Sociolinguistic factors predicting sound change in Swiss German. ICPhS, Prague (CZ), 08/23.
Steiner, C., P. Jeszenszky, A. Leemann (2023). From pasta zu pHizza. Variation and change in VOT in Swiss German. ICPhS, Prague (CZ), 08/23.
Leemann, A. (2023). Introduction to sociolinguistic research methods. Diagnostics Workshop, Universität Bern, Bern (CH), 06/23.
Leemann, A., C. Steiner, P. Jeszenszky, B. Siebenhaar (2022). Which factors predict sound change in Swiss German? Urbane und Rurale Räume 2022, Bern (CH), 11/22.
Jeszenszky, P., C. Steiner, A. Leemann (2022). Linguistic Mobility Index: a tool for estimating dialectal exposure. Tage der Schweizer Linguistik 2022, Lausanne (CH), 11/22.
Steiner, C., P. Jeszenszky, A. Leemann (2022). Morphosyntactic innovation diffusion in German-speaking Switzerland – effects of personality traits on the diffusion of ene-plurals. Tage der Schweizer Linguistik 2022, Lausanne (CH), 11/22.
Leemann, A., C. Steiner, P. Jeszenszky, B. Siebenhaar (2022). What are the driving forces behind sound change in Swiss German? Phonetik & Phonologie im deutschsprachigen Raum 2022, Bielefeld (DE), 10/22.
Leemann, A., Jeszenszky, P, Steiner, C., Lanthemann, C. Factors affecting the percept of Yanny or Laurel (or mixed): Insights from a large-scale study on Swiss German listeners. Interspeech 2022, Incheon (SK), 09/22.
Jeszenszky, P., C. Steiner, A. Leemann (2022). Linguistischer Mobilitätsindex: Quantifizierung von Mobilität und deren Auswirkungen auf Dialektwandel. 20. Alemann:innentagung, Chur (CH), 09/22.
Steiner, C., P. Jeszenszky, A. Leemann (2022). Plurabildung im Schweizerdeutschen. 20. Alemann:innentagung, Chur (CH), 09/22.
Leemann, A., P. Jeszenszky, C. Steiner, C. Lanthemann (2022). Schweizerdeutsch heute. Nacht der Forschung 2022, Bern (CH), 09/22.
Jeszenszky, P., C. Steiner, A. Leemann (2022). Mapping techniques used to explore dialect variation and change in the project 'Swiss-German Dialects Across Time and Space'. Methods XVII 2022, Mainz (DE), 08/22.
Jeszenszky, P., C. Steiner, A. Leemann (2022). Effects of mobility on dialect change: Introducing the Linguistic Mobility Index. Methods XVII 2022, Mainz (DE), 08/22.
Parrot-Gräppi, C., & A. Leemann (2022). Macro-social variation in the articulation of labio-velar approximants by Swiss learners of English. Sociolinguistics Symposium 2022, Ghent (BE), 06/22.
Steiner, C., P. Jeszenszky, A. Leemann (2022). Variation and change in noun plural formation in Swiss German. Sociolinguistics Symposium 2022, Ghent (BE), 06/22.
Leemann, A., P. Jeszenszky, C. Steiner, J. Culpeper (2022). Variational pragmatics in Swiss German: thanking, apologizing, use of T-V forms, and telephone self- identification. Sociolinguistics Symposium 2022, Ghent (BE), 06/22.
Leemann, A., P. Jeszenszky, C. Steiner (2022). Lexikalischer Wandel im Schweizerdeutschen: Regionale, makrosoziale und affektive Faktoren. IGDD 2022, Salzburg (AT), 06/22.
Péter Jeszenszky, Carina Steiner, Adrian Leemann. Linguistischer Mobilitätsindex: Quantifizierung von Mobilität und deren Auswirkungen auf Dialektwandel. IGDD 2022, Salzburg (AT), 06/22.
Leemann, A., Jeszenszky, P., Steiner, C. (2022). Population stats on digital literacy, smartphone makes, room acoustics, and hardware in remote data collection. LabPhon Satellite event, 06/22.
Jeszenszky, P. Steiner, C., Leemann, A. (2022). Linguistic Mobility Index: a tool for quantifying dialectal exposure in studies of language variation and change. Bern Data Science Day, 05/22.
Leemann, A., Steiner, C. (2022). Täfeli, Zältli oder Bonbon? Dialektvielfalt in der Schweiz. Kinder-Universität Bern, 04/22.
Steiner, C. (2022). Spricht man heute wirklich nicht mehr so wie früher? Wandel und Variation im Schweizerdeutschen Ergebnisse aus dem SDATS Projekt. Phil.-hist. Forschungstag, 04/22.
Jeszenszky, P., C. Steiner, A. Leemann (2022). Selecting representative survey sites from a large-scale dialectological study: A comparison of clustering methods. ICLaVE 2022, Vienna (remote), 04/22.
Steiner, C., P. Jeszenszky, A. Leemann (2022). Noun plural marking in Swiss German – a system in change? ICLaVE 2022, Vienna (remote), 04/22.
Leemann, A., P. Jeszenszky, C. Steiner (2021). Linguistic fieldwork in a pandemic: combining smartphone app recordings with Zoom videoconferencing. NWAV49, Austin (TX), 10/21.
Leemann, A., P. Jeszenszky, C. Steiner, H. Hedegard, D. Britain (2021). What's in a voice? Beling Kolloquium. Bern, 09/21.
Leemann, A., P. Jeszenszky, C. Steiner, J. Messerli, M. Studerus (2021). SDATS: A large-scale project on variation and change in German-speaking Switzerland (Sociolinguistics Symposium 2021). Hong Kong, 06/2021, virtual.
Steiner, C., P. Jeszenszky, A. Leemann, J. Messerli, M. Studerus (2021). Variation and change in predicative adjectives in Swiss German (Sociolinguistics Symposium 2021). Hong Kong, 06/2021, virtual.
Jeszenszky, P., A. Leemann, C. Steiner, M. Studerus, J. Messerli (2021). Revisiting a monumental dialect survey 70 years later – how to select representative survey sites? (Sociolinguistics Symposium 2021). Hong Kong, 06/2021, virtual.
Leemann, A., Jeszenszky, P., Steiner, C., Studerus, M., Messerli, J., Oberholzer, L. (2021). Swiss German Dialects Across Time and Space –Project presentation. 1. Workoshop zur Forschung zum Schweizerdeutschen (FZS2021). Bern, 04/2021, virtual.
Steiner, C., Jeszenszky, P., Leemann, A. (2021). Variation and change in predicative adjectives in Swiss German. MVC2021. Cambridge, 03/2021, virtual.
Willis, D., Blaxter, T. Gopal, D., Leemann, A. (2021). Insights from the Tweetolectology project. MVC2021. Cambridge, 03/2021, virtual.
Leemann, A., P. Jeszenszky, C. Steiner, H. Hedegard (2021). Earwitness evidence accuracy revisited: Estimating age, weight, height, education, and geographical origin. AISV2021. Zurich, 02/21, virtual.
Leemann, A., P. Jeszenszky, C. Steiner, J. Messerli, M. Studerus (2020). Linguistic fieldwork in a pandemic. Australian Linguistic Society (ALS2020). Sydney, 12/2020, virtual.
Leemann, A., P. Jeszenszky, C. Steiner, J. Messerli, M. Studerus (2020). Linguistic fieldwork in a pandemic. Tage der Schweizer Linguistik. Fribourg, 11/2020, virtual.
Leemann, A., C. Steiner., P. Jeszenszky, M. Studerus, J. Messerli (2020). Quantitative approaches to linguistic politeness in German-speaking Switzerland: preliminary findings on pronominal address. Symposium on Multimodal Im/politeness. Zurich, 10/2020, virtual.
Leemann, A., P. Jeszenszky, C. Steiner, J. Messerli, M. Studerus (2020). Behauchung von Plosiven im Schweizerdeutschen: Ein Merkmal junger DialektsprecherInnen? Phonetik & Phonologie 16 Trier, 09/2020, virtual.
Jeszenszky, P., Demiray, B., Steiner, C., Leemann (2020). Towards a regionally representative and socio-demographically diverse resource of Swiss German. 5th SwissText & 16th KONVENS Joint Conference 2020, 06/2020, virtual.
Jeszenszky, P., C. Steiner, A. Leemann (2020). Predicting dialect use – Insights from a large-scale project combining historical and current data. American Association of Geographers (AAG), 04/2020, virtual.
Leemann, A. Mit Tweets sprache erforschen. Scientifica (09/2019).
Büchler, A., A. Leemann (2019). Phonetic stability across time: Linguistic enclaves in Switzerland. UKLVC2019, 09/2019, London (UK).
Gräppi, C., A. Leemann (2019). English dental fricative substitutions by Swiss L2 learners. UKLVC2019, 09/2019, London (UK).
Strycharczuk, P. , G. Brown, A. Leemann, D. Britain (2019). Investigating FOOT-STRUT in Northern Englishes using crowdsourced data. ICPhS2019 (Melbourne, AUS).
Leemann, A., T. Blaxter, D. Britain, K. Earnshaw (2019). The FACE of Change in English Dialects: 1950 v 2018. ICPhS2019 (Melbourne, AUS).
Gräppi, C., A. Leemann (2019). Between-speaker variation in English Learners' Realisation of Dental Fricatives. ICPhS2019 (Melbourne, AUS).
Leemann, A., Walker, E., Kirkham, S., Brown, G., Nance, C., Britain, D., Blaxter, T. (2019). Crowdsourcing variation and change in FOOT/STRUT and TRAP/BATH across England. ICLaVE 10, 06/2019 (Leeuwarden, NL).
Willis, D., Gopal, D., Blaxter, T., Leemann, A. (2019). Big data for a small language: Mapping variation in Welsh on social media. ICLaVE 10, 06/2019 (Leeuwarden, NL).
Kutscheid, S., Zahner, K., Braun, B., Leemann,. A. (2019). Underlying mechanisms in the perception of metrical prominence – The role of occurrence frequency of different pitch accent types. COFLIS, 06/2019 (Lecce, IT).
Willis, D., T. Blaxter, A. Leemann, D. Gopal (2019). Localising morphosyntactic variation in Welsh Twitter data. LSA2019 Annual Meeting, 01/2019 (New York, US).
Willis, D., Gopal, D., Blaxter, T., Leemann, A. (2018). Urbanisation and morphosyntactic variation in Twitter data. Urban Language Research 2018, 11/2018 (Graz, AT).
Willis, D., D. Gopal, T. Blaxter, A. Leemann (2018). Localising morphosyntactic variation in Welsh Twitter data. NWAV47, 10/2018 (New York, US).
Blaxter, T. & A. Leemann (2018). “Dialectological apples and oranges: Exploring language change between the Survey of English Dialects and the English Dialects App.” Sussex Research on Language Linguistics Seminar, University of Sussex, 10/2018.
Elspass, S., A. Leemann, C. Derungs (2018). Wandel in real und apparent time in der deutschen Alltagssprache. IGDD, 09/2018 (Marburg, DE).
Jannedy, S., M. Weirich, A. Leemann (2018). The ecological validity of crowdsourced data. P&P14, 09/2018 (Vienna, AT).
Leemann, A. S. Schmid, D. Studer-Joho, M.-J. Kolly (2018). Regional variation of /r/ in dialects of Swiss German. Interspeech 2018, 09/2018 (Hyderabad, IN).
Blaxter, T., A. Leemann, D. Britain (2018). Levelling, isogloss movement or artefacts of the method? Mapping change between the SED and the English Dialects App. ISLE 5, 07/2018 (London, UK).
Blaxter, T., A. Leemann & D. Britain (2018). “Levelling, isogloss movement or artefacts of the method? Mapping change between the SED and the English Dialects App.” ISLE5. University of London, 07/2018.
Gittelson, B. , Y. Li, A. Leemann (2018). Voice quality of 4000+ speakers across the UK. BAAP 2018, 04/2018 (Kent, UK).
Leemann, A., D. Studer-Joho, S. Schmid, M.-J. Kolly (2018). Geographical distribution of rhotics in Swiss German. BAAP 2018, 04/2018 (Kent, UK).
Leemann, A., M.-J. Kolly, S. Schmid, D. Studer-Joho (2017). /r/ in der deutschsprachigen Schweiz. 19. Alemannentagung, 10/2017 (Freiburg, DE).
Hilton, N., Leemann, A., C. Gooskens (2017). Crowd-sourcing Variation in Minority Languages: Illustrated with Frisian. Methods in Dialectology XVI, 08/2017, Tachikawa (JP).
Derungs, C., Leemann, A., L. Scherrer (2017). A tool for measuring spatial saturation in large-scale dialectological survey data. Methods in Dialectology XVI, 08/2017, Tachikawa (JP).
Leemann, A. (2017). Using smartphone apps to map phonetic variation in British English, German, and Swiss German. Acoustical Society of America Spring Meeting 2017, 06/2017, Boston (USA).
Hilton, N. A. Leemann, C. Gooskens (2017). Crowdsourcing variation in minority languages: illustrated with Frisian, ICLaVE 2017, 06/2017, Malaga (ES).
Britain, D. A. Leemann, T. Blaxter, M.-J. Kolly (2017). Evidence of levelling processes in British English crowdsourced using 'The English Dialects App', ICLaVE 2017, 06/2017, Malaga (ES).
Parkinson, L., A. Leemann (2017). Distribution of Articulation rate across England – Findings based on 150 speakers, ICLaVE 2017, 06/2017, Malaga (ES).
Leemann, A. C. Derungs, T. Grossenbacher (2017). Lexical change in German-speaking Europe: 1950 vs. 2015, ICLaVE 2017, 06/2017, Malaga (ES).
Li, Y. A. Leemann, M.-J. Kolly, R. Chan, G. Kwek, A. Jespersen (2017). Language-dependent and language-independent perception of prominence, PaPE 2017, 06/2017, Cologne (DE).
Grossenbacher, S., D. Britain, Adrian Leemann, M.-J. Kolly, T. Blaxter, D. Wanitsch (2017) Smartphone app methodologies for regional dialectology: the English North-South divide in data from the English Dialects App. Conference on Spatial Boundaries and Transitions in Language and Interaction: perspectives from Linguistics and Geography, 04/2017, Ascona (CH).
Blaxter, T., A. Leemann & D. Britain (2017). “Evidence of sound change in the British English crowdsourced using the ‘English Dialects App’.” 4th International Workshop on Sound Change. University of Edinburgh, 04/2017.
Britain, D., Leemann, A., Blaxter, T., Kolly, M.-J. (2016): Going, going but not gone: Dialect levelling, socially differentiated mobility and lessons from the English Dialect App. Taal & Tongval, 11/2016 Gent (BE).
Leemann, A., M.-J. Kolly (2016). Big Data for analyses of small-scale regional variation: A case study on sound change in Swiss German. Phonetik & Phonologie 12, 10/2016 Munich (DE).
Britain, D., A. Leemann, T. Blaxter, D. Wanitsch, M.-J. Kolly, S. Grossenbacher (2016). Big bad dialectological data? Lessons from the English Dialect App. Centre for Research in Linguistics and Language Sciences, 10/2016 (Newcastle, UK)
Blaxter, T., A. Leemann & D. Britain (2016). “Evidence of levelling processes in British English crowdsourced using the ‘English Dialects App’.” BCL PhD Linguistics Summer School. Bristol Centre for Linguistics, University of the West of England, 07/2016.
Leemann, A, M.-J. Kolly, D. Britain, R. Purves, E. Glaser (2016). Crowdsourcing Big Data in dialectology – the case of Swiss German. Sociolinguistics Symposium 2016, 06/2016 Murcia (ES).
Li, Y., R. Chan, A. Leemann, G. Kwek, A. Jespersen, M.-J. Kolly (2016). The role of duration in the perception of prominence in typologically different and related languages. BAAP 2016, 03/2016 Lancaster (UK).
Kolly, M.-J., A. Leemann, V. Dellwo, P. Boula de Mareuil (2015). Speaker-idiosynrasy in pausing behavior: evidence from a cross-linguistic study. ICPhS 2015, 08/2015 Glasgow (UK).
Leemann, A., F. Nolan (2015). Identifying a speaker's dialect: the role of segments and prosody. IAFPA 2015, 07/2015 Leiden (Netherlands).
Britain, D., A. Leemann, M-J. Kolly (2015). The English Dialect App. ICLaVE 8, 05/2015 Leipzig (Germany).
Leemann, A., M-J. Kolly (2015). There is an app for that: documenting language chance with smartphone apps. ICLaVE 8, 05/2015 Leipzig (Germany).
Leemann, A., M.-J. Kolly, V. Dellwo, J.-P. Goldman, I. Hove, I. Almajai (2014). Crowdsourcing mittels Swiss VoiceApp: Eine Brücke zwischen Dialektforschung und Öffentlichkeit. Alemannentagung, 10/2014 Tübingen (Germany).
Leemann, A., M.-J. Kolly, I. Werlen, D. Britain, D. Studer-Joho (2014). Die Diffusion der /l/‐Vokalisierung in der deutschsprachigen Schweiz: Momentaufnahme 2012. Alemannentagung, 10/2014 Tübingen (Germany).
Kolly, M.-J., A. Leemann, V. Dellwo (2014). Foreign accent recognition based on temporal information contained in lowpass-filtered speech. Interspeech 09/2014 Singpaore (Singapore).
Leemann, A. (2014). Phonetik vermitteln - Phonetische Daten ermitteln. ScienceComm14, 09/2014 Beromünster (Switzerland).
Schmid, S., M.-J. Kolly, A. Leemann, V. Dellwo (2014). Swiss German tertiary ethnolects: prosodic features of a PhonoGenre. Swiss Work in Prosody, 09/2014 Geneva (Switzerland).
Hove, I., A. Leemann, M.-J. Kolly, V. Dellwo, J.-P. Goldman, I. Almajai, D. Wanitsch (2014). Phonetics for everyone – An educational smartphone application. Swiss Work in Prosody, 09/2014 Geneva (Switzerland).
Leemann, A., M.-J. Kolly (2014). Assessing the potential of crowdsourced ‘Dialäkt Äpp’ speech data for forensic phonetics. International Conference of Forensic Phonetics and Acoustics, 08/2014 Zürich (Switzerland).
Kolly, M.-J., A. Leemann, V. Dellwo, J.-P. Goldman, I. Hove, I. Almajai (2014). Voice Äpp. A smartphone application for crowdsourcing Swiss German dialect data. 07/2014 Lausanne (Switzerland).
Hasse, A., A. Leemann, N. Giroud, M. Meyer (2014). Ensteht linguistische Salienz im Gehirn? 8th Days of Swiss Linguistics, 05/2014 Zürich (Switzerland).
Leemann, A., M.-J. Kolly, V. Dellwo, I. Hove, I. Almajai, D. Wanitsch (2014). Data elicitation 2.0: crowdsourcing areal and speaker variation. 8th Days of Swiss Linguistics, 05/2014 Zürich.
Leemann, A., M.-J. Kolly (2013). Dialäkt Äpp – Wissenschaftliches Potenzial einer Smartphone Applikation. Phonetik & Phonologie 9, 10/2013 Zürich (Switzerland).
Kolly, M.-J., V. Dellwo, A. Leemann (2013). The influence of second language on speaker-idiosyncratic temporal patterns. Summer school on Speech Production and Perception, 09/2013 Aix-en-Provence (France).
Leemann, A., V. Dellwo, H. Mixdorff, M.-J. Kolly (2013). Speaker discrimination using f0 and timing information. International Conference of Forensic Phonetics and Acoustics, 07/2013 Tampa, FL (USA).
Kolly, M.-J., V. Dellwo, A. Leemann (2013). Speaker-idiosyncratic temporal patterns in L2 speech. International Conference of Forensic Phonetics and Acoustics, 07/2013 Tampa, FL (USA).
Dellwo, V., A. Leemann, M.-J. Kolly, M. Meyer (2013). Auditory speaker identification based on suprasegmental temporal characteristics. International Conference of Forensic Phonetics and Acoustics, 07/2013 Tampa, FL (USA).
Leemann, A., V. Dellwo, H. Mixdorff, M.-J. Kolly (2013). Speaker-specific f0 patterns. Swiss Workshop on Prosody, 03/2013 Neuchâtel (Switzerland).
Leemann, A., V. Dellwo, M.-J. Kolly (2012). Rhythmic differences between read and spontaneous speech: the case of %V. Phonetik & Phonologie, 10/2012 Jena (Germany).
Dellwo, V., A. Leemann, M.-J. Kolly (2012). Speaker identification based on temporal information: A forensic phonetic study of speech rhythm and timing in the Zurich variety of Swiss German. 7th days of Swiss Linguistics, 09/2012 Lugano (Switzerland).
Leemann, A., M.-J. Kolly, I. Werlen, Y. Scherrer (2012). Wissenschaftliches Potenzial der Smartphone-Applikation „Dialäkt Äpp“ für dialektologische Untersuchungen zur Schweizer Sprachlandschaft. 7th days of Swiss Linguistics, 09/2012 Lugano (Switzerland).
Leemann, A., M.-J. Kolly, S. Sutter, D. Brander, I. Werlen, F. Hasler, C. Eisenblatt (2012). Hören wir in Zürich bald Pfnüsu und Tubu statt Pfnüsel und Tubel? Das Fortschreiten der /l/-Vokalisierung in der deutschsprachigen Schweiz. 7th days of Swiss Linguistics, 09/2012 Lugano (Switzerland).
Dellwo, V., M.-J. Kolly, A. Leemann (2012). Speaker identification based on temporal information: a forensic phonetic study of speech rhythm and timing in the Zurich variety of Swiss German. International Conference of Forensic Phonetics and Acoustics, 08/2012 Santander (Spain).
Scherrer, Y., A. Leemann, M.-J. Kolly, I. Werlen (2012). Dialäkt Äpp – A smartphone application for Swiss German dialects with great scientific potential. 7. SIDG Conference Dialekt 2.0 and WBOE, 07/2012 Vienna (Austria).
Leemann, A., V. Dellwo, M.-J. Kolly, S. Schmid (2012). Rhythmic variability in Swiss German dialects. Speech Prosody, 05/2012 Shanghai (PRC).
Leemann, A., V. Dellwo (2012). Exploring the potential of studying twins in speech rhythm research. Swiss Workshop on Prosody, 04/2012 Zürich (Switzerland).
Leemann, A., S. Schmid, L. Zuberbühler (2010). Sprachrhythmus: ein Parameter für die prosodische Typologie schweizerdeutscher Dialekte? 6th days of Swiss Linguistics, 12/2010 Neuchâtel (Switzerland).
Leemann, A. (2009). Dialektale Intonation des Schweizerdeutschen. Kongress der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Dialektologie des Deutschen (IGDD), 09/2009 Zürich (Switzerland).
Leemann, A. (2008). English with a Swiss accent: vowel quality. International Workshop on Language and Speech Science, 09/2008 Tokyo (Japan).
Leemann, A. (2008). Intonation as identity marker in Swiss German. Sociolinguistics Symposium 17, 04/2008 Amsterdam (Holland).
Leemann, A. (2007). Vowel quality of Swiss EFL speakers. Accents, 12/2007 Łódź (Poland).
Leemann, A., B. Siebenhaar (2007). Intonational and temporal features of Swiss German. ICPhS 2007, 08/2007 Saarbrücken (Germany).
Leemann, A. (2007). Intonational variation in Swiss German. International Conference on Language Variation in Europe, 07/2007 Nicosia (Cyprus).
Siebenhaar, B., Leemann, A. (2006). Methodische Grundsätze zur Datenerhebung im NF Projekt Quantitative Ansätze zu einer Sprachgeographie der schweizerdeutschen Prosodie. 5th days of Swiss Linguistics, 11/2006 Basel (Switzerland).
Leemann, A., B. Siebenhaar (2006). Prosodic features of spontaneous utterance-initial phrases in Bernese and Valais Swiss German. International Symposium on Linguistic Patterns in Spontaneous Speech, 11/2006 Taipei (Taiwan).
Leemann, A., B. Siebenhaar (2006). Prosodic features of spontaneous utterance-initial phrases in Bernese and Valais Swiss German. Phonetik & Phonologie 5, 10/2006 Stuttgart (Germany).
Leemann, A., B. Siebenhaar (2006). Komparative Beschreibung der Intonation des Bern- und Walliserdeutschen. Kongress der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Dialektologie des Deutschen (IGDD), 09/2006 Vienna (Austria).
Leemann, A. (2006). Acoustic analysis of Swiss English vowel quality. Studentische Tagung der Sprachwissenschaft, 05/2006 Bern (Switzerland).
Conference posters
Gräppi, C., C. Steiner, A. Leemann (2023). Difference in Gender in the Realisation of the English STRUT vowel in Swiss German. Phonetik & Phonologie 2023, Bern (CH), 10/23.
Leemann, A., C. Lanthemann (2023). Evaluation of different versions of Swiss Standard German. Phonetik & Phonologie 2023, Bern (CH), 10/23.
Pheiff, J., A. Leemann, C. Steiner (2023). Sound Change Across Five Generations of Swiss German Dialect Speakers. Phonetik & Phonologie 2023, Bern (CH), 10/23.
Tomaschek, F., A. Leemann, C. Steiner (2023). Personality traits and their correlation with prosody. Phonetik & Phonologie 2023, Bern (CH), 10/23.
Leemann, A., C. Steiner, P. Jeszenszky, Y. Miescher (2023). Reaction time predicts accuracy in the estimation of speaker origin. IAFPA 2023, Zurich (CH), 07/23.
Vonlanthen, S., C. Steiner, P. Jeszenszky, A. Leemann (2023). The sociolinguistics of R-vocalization in spoken Swiss Standard German. ICPhS, Prague (CZ), 08/23.
Leemann, A., P. Jeszenszky, C. Steiner, M. Studerus, L. Oberholzer (2022). Linguistic fieldwork in a pandemic: Supervised data collection combining smartphone recordings and videoconferencing. ICLaVE 2022, Vienna (remote), 04/22.
Leemann, A., C. Steiner, P. Jeszenszky, B. Siebenhaar (2021). Variation and change in the quality of Schwa in Swiss German. P&P2021 09/21, Frankfurt, virtual.
Leemann, A., P. Jeszenszky, C. Steiner, H. Hedegard, D. Britain (2021). Earwitness evidence accuracy revisited: estimating speaker age, height, weight, geographical origin, political affiliation, and education. IAFPA 8/21, Marburg, virtual.
Kutscheid, S., K. Zahner, A. Leemann, B. Braun (2021). Different pitch accents affect perceived focus position in German wh-questions. PaPE 2021, 05/21, Barcelona, virtual.
Studerus, M., L. Oberholzer, J. Messerli, P. Jeszenszky, C. Steiner, A. Leemann (2021). Swiss German Dialects Across Time and Space (SDATS). Forschungstag der Universtät Bern, 04/2021 Bern, virtual.
Strycharczuk, P., López-Ibáñez, M., Brown, G., A. Leemann (2019). Defining accent features in urban Northern English vowel systems. UKLVC2010, 09/2019, London (UK).
Tomaschek, F. & A. Leemann (2018). How do anatomical differences affect individual speech rhythm. P&P14, 09/2018 (Vienna, AT).
Gräppi, C., & A. Leemann (2017). Auditory analysis of interdental fricatives articulated by Swiss learners of English. Phonetik & Phonologie 13, 09/2017 Berlin (DE).
Portmann, L. & A. Leemann (2017). Visual input trumps auditory input: teaching English intonation. Phonetik & Phonologie 13, 09/2017 Berlin (DE).
Jannedy, S., Weirich, M., A. Leemann (2017). Voiceless Fricatives in Deutschklang. Phonetik & Phonologie 13, 09/2017 Berlin (DE).
Bizzozero, S., Netzschwitz, N., A. Leemann (2017). The effect of fundamental frequency f0, syllable rate and pitch range on listeners’ perception of fear in a female speaker’s voice. IAFPA 2017, 07/2017 Split (CR).
Zihlmann, U., A. Leemann (2016). ‘Chend’ met <e> – ‘Kind’ mit <e>: using Big Data to explore phoneme-to-grapheme mapping in Lucerne Swiss German. Phonetik & Phonologie 12, 10/2016 Munich (DE).
Gittelson, B., Y. Li, A. Leemann (2016). Preliminary UK population data on voice quality. IAFPA 2016, 07/2017 York (UK).
Leemann, A., M.-J. Kolly, F. Nolan (2016). Identifying a speaker's regional origin: the role of temporal information. Speech Prosody 2016, 05/2016 Boston (USA).
Leemann, A., M.-J. Kolly, Y. Li, R. Chan, G. Kwek, A. Jespersen (2016). Towards a typology of prominence perception: the role of duration. Speech Prosody 2016, 05/2016 Boston (USA).
Leemann, A., F. Nolan (2016). Disentangling the contribution of segments and prosody in dialect identification. BAAP 2016, 03/2016 Lancaster (UK) – Award for best poster.
Leemann, A., (2015). How do we determine the regional origin of speakers based on their pronunciation? Cambridge Language Sciences annual symposium, 11/2015 Cambridge (UK).
Kolly, M.-J., A. Leemann, F. Matter (2015). Analysis of spatial variation with app-based crowdsourced audio data. Interspeech 2015, 09/2015 Dresden (Germany).
Leemann, A., M.-J. Kolly, J.-P. Goldman, V. Dellwo, I. Hove, I. Almajai, S. Grimm, S. Robert, D. Wanitsch (2015). Voice Äpp: a mobile app for crowdsourcing Swiss German dialect data. Interspeech 2015, 09/2015 Dresden (Germany).
Leemann, A., C. Bernardasci, F. Nolan (2015). The effect of speakers’ regional varieties on listeners’ decision-making. Interspeech 2015, 09/2015 Dresden (Germany).
Leemann, A., M.-J. Kolly, F. Nolan (2015). It's not phonetic aesthetics that drives dialect preference: the case of Swiss German. Proceedings of ICPhS 2015, 08/2015 Glasgow (UK).
Leemann, A., M.- J. Kolly, D. Britain (2015). Methodological reflections on Big Data in phonetics. Phonetics and Phonology in Europe (PaPE 2015), 06/2015 Cambridge (UK).
Leemann, A., M.-J. Kolly, D. Britain, R. Purves, E. Glaser (2015). Documenting Sound Change with Smartphone Apps. Spring Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, 05/2015 Pittsburgh (USA).
Leemann, A., M.-J. Kolly, V. Dellwo (2014). Testing the effect of dialect imitation on suprasegmental temporal features. International Conference of Forensic Phonetics and Acoustics, 08/2014 Zürich (Switzerland).
Kolly, M.-J., A. Leemann, V. Dellwo (2014). Speaker-individual rhythmic features in both L1 and L2 speech: implications for forensic voice comparison. International Conference of Forensic Phonetics and Acoustics, 08/2014 Zürich (Switzerland).
Hove, I., A. Leemann, M.-J. Kolly, V. Dellwo, J.-P. Goldman, I. Almajai, D. Wanitsch (2014). Using the smartphone application ‘Voice Äpp’ to collect speech population data: implications for forensic phonetics. International Conference of Forensic Phonetics and Acoustics, 08/2014 Zürich (Switzerland).
Goldman, J.-P., A. Leemann, M.-J. Kolly, I. Hove, I. Almajai, V. Dellwo, S. Moran (2014). A Crowdsourcing smartphone application for Swiss German: Putting language documentation in the hands of the users. LREC, 05/2014 Reykjavik (Iceland).
Leemann, A., M.-J. Kolly, V. Dellwo, S. Schmid (2014). Disentangling sources of rhythmic variability between Swiss German dialects. Speech Prosody, 05/2014 Dublin (Ireland).
Leemann, A., M.-J. Kolly, V. Dellwo (2014). Crowdsourcing regional variation in speaking rate through the iOS app ‘Dialäkt Äpp’. Speech Prosody, 05/2014 Dublin (Ireland).
Hove, I., A. Leemann, M.-J. Kolly, V. Dellwo, J.-P. Goldman (2013). A smartphone application for a voice profile. Phonetik & Phonologie 9, 10/2013 Zürich (Switzerland).
Hasler, F., A. Leemann, M.-J. Kolly (2013). Die Sprachlandschaft des Kantons Bern. Phonetik & Phonologie 9. 10/2013 Zürich (Switzerland).
Leemann, A., V. Dellwo, H.J. Mixdorff, M.-J. Kolly (2013). Speaker-specificity in the time and f0 domain. Summer school on Speech Production and Perception. 09/2013 Aix-en-Provence (France).
Leemann, A., V. Dellwo, M.-J. Kolly (2012). Exploring speech temporal features of twins: the case of %V. Phonetik & Phonologie 8, 10/2012 Jena (Germany).
Dellwo, V., A. Leemann, M.-J. Kolly (2012). Speaker-idiosyncratic rhythmic features in the speech signal. Interspeech 2009, 09/2012 Portland (USA).
Leemann, A., V. Dellwo, M.-J. Kolly, S. Schmid (2012). Dialectal typology based on speech rhythm. Perspectives on Rhythm and Timing, 07/2012 Glasgow (Scotland).
Dellwo, V., S. Schmid, A. Leemann, M.-J. Kolly (2012). Speaker identification based on speech rhythm: The case of bilinguals. Perspectives on Rhythm and Timing, 07/2012 Glasgow (Scotland).
Leemann, A. (2011). Einfluss der Schweizerdeutschen Phonologie auf die Stimmhaftigkeit von Frikativen im L2-Englischen. Phonetik & Phonologie 7, 10/2011 Osnabrück (Germany).
Leemann, A. (2010). Differences in the fundamental frequency patterns of male and female Swiss German speakers. European Conference on Tone and Intonation, 11/2010 Stockholm (Sweden).
Leemann, A., L. Zuberbühler (2010). Highest Alemannic and High Alemannic F0 contours in contrast. Interspeech 2009, 09/2010 Makuhari (Japan).
Leemann, A., B. Siebenhaar (2010). Statistical modeling of f0 and timing of Swiss German dialects, Speech Prosody 2010, 05/2010 Chicago (USA).
Leemann, A., K. Hirose, H. Fujisaki (2009). Analysis of voice fundamental frequency contours of continuing and terminating phrases of four Swiss German dialects. Interspeech 2009, 09/2009 Brighton (UK).
Leemann, A., K. Hirose (2009). Command-response modeling of spontaneous Swiss German dialectal speech, Spring Meeting of the Acoustical Society of Japan, 03/2009 Tokyo (Japan).
Leemann, A., B. Siebenhaar (2008). Perception of dialectal prosody. Interspeech 2008, 09/2008 Brisbane (Australia).
Leemann, A., B. Siebenhaar (2008). Swiss alpine and midland intonation. Speech Prosody 2008, 05/2008 Campinas (Brazil).
Invited talks
Leeman, A. (2024). Spricht man heute wirklich nicht mehr so wie früher?. Seniorenuniversität Zürich, Zürich (CH), 03/24
Leemann, A. (2023). Sprachwandelforschung zwischen Tradition und Innovation. Forum Sprachvariation Nachwuchskolloquium, Universität Bern, Bern (CH), 09/23.
Leemann, A. (2023). Spricht man heute wirklich nicht mehr so wie früher? Schweizerdeutsch im 21. Jahrhundert. Universitäre Vorlesungen Winterthur. Winterthur, 05/23.
Leemann, A. (2022). Variation and change in linguistic politeness: the role of regional, sociodemographic, and personality-related factors. Keynote at Taal & Tongval 2022. Ghent, 11/22.
Leemann, A., P. Jeszenszky, C. Steiner, H. Hedegard, D. Britain (2021). What's in a voice? Estimating age, weight, height, education, and geographical origin. Bamberg, 06/21, virtual.
Leemann, A. (2021). Workshop on Using smartphones and web-apps to collect phonetic data: benefits and pitfalls. Aarhus, 05/21, virtual.
Leemann, A., P. Jeszenszky, C. Steiner, H. Hedegard, D. Britain (2021). What's in a voice? Estimating age, weight, height, education, and geographical origin. York, 05/21, virtual.
Leemann, A., P. Jeszenszky, C. Steiner (2020). Feldforschung trotz Pandemie, 12/2020, Marburg (DE), virtual.
Leemann, A., P. Jeszenszky, C. Steiner (2020). Feldforschung trotz Pandemie, 11/2020, Jena (DE), virtual.
Leemann, A. (2020). Analyzing phonetic and morphosyntactic variation and change in British English using app and Twitter data. Universität Basel, 11/2020, Basel (CH), virtual.
Leemann, A. (2020). Potenzial und Tücken von Stimmcloning, Deepfakes, und Massendaten in der Soziolinguistik. Universität Leipzig, 01/2020, Leipzig (DE).
Leemann, A. (2019) Panel discussant at Clare Politics, 12/2019, Cambridge (UK).
Leemann, A. (2018). Sociophonetics: Theory and hands-on practise. CUSO workshop on “Methodological approaches to synchronic and diachronic heritage language data”, 02/2018 Lausanne (CH).
Leemann, A. (2017). Singende Walliser, langsame Berner, rhythmische Bündner – Prosodische Variation im Schweizerdeutschen. SAL Jahrestagung 2017, 11/2017 Zürich (CH).
Leemann, A. (2017). Using smartphones to collect big data on English dialects. University of York, 05/2017 York (UK).
Leemann, A. (2017). Sprachwandel, Identität und Mobilität im deutschsprachigen Europa: 1950 vs. 2017. Universität Zürich, 03/2017 Zurich (CH).
Leemann, A. (2017). Using smartphones to collect big data on English dialects. University of Huddersfield, 02/2017 Huddersfield (UK).
Leemann, A. (2016). Using mobile apps to crowdsource language change. University of Gothenburg, 10/2017 Gothenburg (SE).
Leemann, A. (2016). Using mobile apps to crowdsource language change. University of Groningen, 09/2017 Groningen (NL).
Leemann, A. (2016). 21st century methods for collecting big data on English Dialects. University of Glasgow, 03/2016 Glasgow (UK).
Leemann, A. (2016). 21st century methods for collecting big data on English Dialects. University of Cracow, 03/2016 Cracow (PL).
Leemann, A. (2016). 21st century methods for collecting big data on English Dialects. University of Kent, 02/2016 Canterbury (UK).
Leemann, A. (2015). How a study on regional accents (inadvertently?) ended up on the front page of the most popular Swiss daily. Jesus College, University of Cambridge, 11/2015 Cambridge (UK).
Leemann, A. (2015). Dialäkt Äpps – Dialektforschung mit Neuen Meiden. Bodenseekonferenz, 09/2015 Bregenz (Austria).
Leemann, A. (2015). "Zürichdeutsch ist beliebter als Berndeutsch" – Wie eine Dialektstudie (fälschlicherweise?) auf der Frontseite von 20 Minuten landete. BeLing, 09/2015 Bern (Switzerland).
Leemann, A. (2015). Dialektforschung als Citizen Science. 2. Netzwerktreffen Citizen Science Schweiz, 04/2014 Bern (Switzerland).
Leemann, A., M.-J. Kolly (2014). Wie verstecke ich meine Herkunft beim Sprechen? Schweizerische Studienstiftung, 10/2014 Neuchâtel (Switzerland).
Leemann, A. (2014). Dialekt Äpps - Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von Smartphone Applikationen in der Dialektologie. 07/2014 Forschungszentrum Deutscher Sprachatlas, Philipps-Universität Marburg (Germany).
Leemann, A., M.-J. Kolly (2014). Assessing the potential of crowdsourced 'Dialäkt Äpp' data for research in phonetics and dialectology, 06/2014 Institut für Phonetik und Sprachverarbeitung, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (Germany).
Dellwo, V., I. Hove, A. Leemann, M.-J. Kolly. Forensische Phonetik. Forensisches Institut des Kantons Zürich, 03/2014 Zürich (Switzerland).
Leemann, A., M.-J. Kolly, I. Werlen, D. Britain, D. Studer-Joho, F. Hasler (2014). The diffusion of /l/-vocalization in Swiss German. Invited keynote at the Winter School on Language in Social Context in the Bernese Alps, 01/2014 Kandersteg (Switzerland).
Leemann, A., M.-J. Kolly (2013). Dialäkt Äpp – Gäbet üüs ööchi Stimm! Verein für das Schweizerdeutsche Wörterbuch, Jahresversammlung in Zürich, 05/2013 Zürich (Switzerland).
Kolly, M.-J., A. Leemann (2012). Dialäkt Äpp – Gesellschaftliches und wissenschaftliches Potenzial einer Smartphone Applikation. Verein Schweizerdeutsch, Gruppe Zürichdeutsch, 10/2012 Zürich (Switzerland).
Leemann, A. (2010). Die exotische Sprachmelodie der Walliser – Evidenz aus Grundfrequenzanalysen und statistischer Modellierung. Berner Zirkel für Sprachwissenschaft, 03/2010 Bern (Switzerland).
Leemann, A. (2009). Produktion und Perzeption schweizerdeutscher Intonation – Erste Resultate. 07/2009 Freiburg im Breisgau (Germany).
Leemann, A. (2007). Speech melody in Switzerland and the British Isles. Britta May Charleston Memorial Lecture, 11/2007 Bern (Switzerland).
Leemann, A. (2007). Die Sprachmelodie des Schweizerdeutschen – Erste Erkenntnisse aus einem SNF-Projekt. Berner Zirkel für Sprachwissenschaft, 01/2007 Bern (Switzerland).
Released mobile and web applications
06/2020 Leemann, A. (2020). SDATS-App.
08/2016 Leemann, A. (2016). Deutschklang.
01/2016 Leemann, A., M.-J. Kolly, Britain, D. (2016). English Dialects.
04/2015 Leemann, A., M.-J. Kolly (2015). Grüezi, Moin, Servus.
01/2015 Leemann, A. M.-J. Kolly, V. Dellwo, J.-P. Goldman (2015). Voice Äpp.
12/2014 Leemann, A., S. Moran (2014). US Dialect App.
03/2013 Leemann, A., M.-J. Kolly (2013). Dialäkt Äpp.
06/2020 Leemann, A. (2020). SDATS-App.
08/2016 Leemann, A. (2016). Deutschklang.
01/2016 Leemann, A., M.-J. Kolly, Britain, D. (2016). English Dialects.
04/2015 Leemann, A., M.-J. Kolly (2015). Grüezi, Moin, Servus.
01/2015 Leemann, A. M.-J. Kolly, V. Dellwo, J.-P. Goldman (2015). Voice Äpp.
04/2015 Leemann, A., M.-J. Kolly, M. Brupbacher, T. Grossenbacher, D. Wanitsch (2015) (in collaboration with Spiegel Online and Tagesanzeiger). Grüezi, Moin, Servus.